‘Predict the Most Favorable Actions for your Organization’
Our solution helps you find useful parts of your structured data and pull out the usable information to generate the knowledge you seek. For example, with GENAIZ you can input the data of the past 3 months of budget reports. You can see the usable information of which budgets are over or under projections. The knowledge you want from the decision module is to determine which project you should stop and if any are similar to previous ones.
Decision Support
Advanced AI-driven tools help you make better informed business decisions. Charts and KPI customizable dashboards allow you to evaluate and prioritize ideas and projects while gaining different perspectives on the innovation initiative. Machine learning leverages vast knowledge bases to make recommendations passively based on user activity and knowledge closely related to the activity or initiative. This encourages convergent thinking to help you understand your subject better so you can focus on finding one specific solution or answer.
Organizational Collaboration
For collaboration scenarios that have a need to share initiatives and raw data between organization, cross-organizational administration of innovation and data sharing provides secure and trusted collaboration. This sharing of knowledge and AI models through our community’s infrastructure increases knowledge across all platform users, regardless of location or expertise. This also provides the means to measure improvement in overall performance following the deployment of innovation projects.